Chrysler nixes fixesChrysler nixes fixes
Chrysler Corp. officials decide against making safety-related changes to its new minivan because they fear it would be an admission that the rear latch on its 1984-1994 minivans are defective, The Detroit News reports. The charges are contained in a lawsuit filed by former Chrysler planner Paul Sheridan. Chrysler maintains its minivans are safe. A spokesperson calls Mr. Sheridan a "disgruntled former
April 1, 1995
Chrysler Corp. officials decide against making safety-related changes to its new minivan because they fear it would be an admission that the rear latch on its 1984-1994 minivans are defective, The Detroit News reports. The charges are contained in a lawsuit filed by former Chrysler planner Paul Sheridan. Chrysler maintains its minivans are safe. A spokesperson calls Mr. Sheridan a "disgruntled former employee" whose lawsuit is "a ploy to divert attention from his admitted misconduct." Mr. Sheridan was fired for giving confidential crash-test data on the '96 minivan to the media.
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