Gen Y Appears Least Interested in Car Care

Baby Boomers are the most car-care conscious, 62% of shop owners say.

Steve Finlay, Senior Editor

February 6, 2014

1 Min Read
Study emphasizes enhancing trust in mechanics
Study emphasizes enhancing trust in mechanics.

Millennials are least likely to partake in routine care of their vehicles, say nearly half of polled owners of automotive service facilities.

In contrast, Baby Boomers are the most car-care conscious, 62% of shop owners say in a poll by RepairPal, an online company providing repair prices and customer reviews.

The differences in car-care conscientiousness among generations may tie into how each age group understands automotive ownership, RepairPal concludes.

It says its study results emphasize the need for auto facilities to teach “repairs and maintenance 101” to customers to ensure a better customer experience and enhance trust in mechanics.

Most of the 162 respondents say a repair shop should guide customers by explaining vehicle issues, the necessity for specific repairs and the reason additional work may be needed.

Other poll results:

  • More than 90% of shops offer online appointment scheduling. About half provide mobile-device access to services, information and apps.

  • Nearly 70% of RepairPal certified shops repair electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. Thirty-five percent have done so for more than five years. The majority plan to invest in EV training for technicians.

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