Six Steps to Closing More Car Deals

It’s only a worksheet, but it’s your worksheet. Used right, it will help you sell lots of vehicles.

Darin George 1, Sales Trainer & Recruiter

January 20, 2015

4 Min Read
Six Steps to Closing More Car Deals

One of my goals on the dealership sales floor was getting potential customers to paper.

The old-fashioned 8.5x11 paper worksheet is an effective way to close more deals.

Using it in a well-thought-out way is a great closing technique.

The worksheet is an important part of finalizing customers’ commitment to purchase the vehicle; re-confirming vehicle options, owners name, mileage and pricing; and determining if they are buying a car now.

Most customers know what a worksheet is and can be apprehensive about it. So lead them through it step by step. Do not try to rush through the process, or the customer will only feel pressured. It’s a big purchase, and people love the extra attention you put into helping them.

There is a strategy on how to fill out a worksheet. Use it as part of your sales process. If they have a trade in, fill it out first; ask for the keys, ownership, exact miles etc... Then start your dealership worksheet.

Here are six steps to using a customized worksheet to close:

Step One

Say: “Mr. & Mrs. Customer, I am going to pull out a worksheet and fill out the information on the vehicle that you want, OK!”

Step Two

Fill in the equipment list; it builds value in the vehicle. Do not write down short form. Put as much detailed information regarding the vehicle as you can list.

While filling in the worksheet, talk about everything you are writing down. This will get them involved with the worksheet process.

Step Three

Always write down the MSRP in the space provided. Do not put the sale or discounted price. If you do, they will want to start to negotiate from that price. If customers say they are not paying the asking price, just tell them not to worry, you are going to see what you can do about that. Do not negotiate at this point.

Step Four

Fill in the information on your stock number, customer’s telephone numbers, address, driver’s license, how they heard of the dealership, etc. You now have to ask them whose name the vehicle will be registered to. This is great in establishing mental ownership and closing.

Ask: “Mr. & Mrs. Customer, whose name would the vehicle be registered under, providing everything works out?” (Fill in that person’s or company’s name.)

Step Five

Ask: “Provided everything works, out when would you like to get the vehicle?”

If they say next week, don’t put that date down because if we end up with a deal they will want the vehicle ASAP. No matter what date or time they say, always ask them if ASAP would be OK with them. Remember, the F&I manager at many dealerships sets up the exact delivery date and time.

Step Six

Write the following personalized note on your dealership worksheet or have it added to your existing worksheets. Read it to them but do not ask them to initial it yet. You do not need a signature on the worksheet until the final agreed upon numbers have been achieved.

“Mr. & Mrs. Customer will get the (vehicle make and model ) today only IF the price/payments or difference figures are agreeable with them and the dealership.” 

                                                     ________ (Customer Initials Only Please)

Do not ask customers to initial your note until you have turned the worksheet around so they can review everything on it. Then the last thing you do is ask them to initial your personalized note. This personalized note should be repeated until your customer fully understands it.

If they will not initial it, there could be and probably is something you have overlooked. Re-clarify everything with them. Once your note has been initialed, start your negotiations.

Asking customers for their initials is like a good old-fashioned handshake or like someone 100 years ago saying, “I give you my word.” The initials are as good as it can get for a firm commitment to purchase now.

There are flags over the heads of every customer. By doing Step Six you will be able to find out which flag it is. Here’s the color coding.

Red: Stop now. You have a hidden customer issue.

Yellow: Slow down and re-clarify everything with the customer.

Green: Go forward and sell the vehicle now.

You do not need a signature on the worksheet until the final numbers have been agreed upon. After every worksheet has been done, a proper and complete bill of sale will be completed.

Remember, it’s only a worksheet, but it’s your worksheet. Used right, it will help you sell lots of cars.

If you would like one of my ASC worksheets, email me at [email protected].   

Darin George is a sales trainer and recruiter for ASC, He is the author of “Sales Training – Automotive Edition and Sales Process - Can You Sell Me a Pen?” available at He is at [email protected]

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About the Author

Darin George 1

Sales Trainer & Recruiter, ASC

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