The Dealer 5 | January 28, 2015

Dealer news and information from WardsAuto and around the web.

Steve Finlay, Senior Editor

January 28, 2015

3 Min Read
The Dealer 5 | January 28, 2015

Welcome to The  WardsAuto Dealer 5 - we've put together important items from and across the Internet.

So let's go:


 Bad news: There's no fail-safe way for dealers to stop cyber-criminals. Good news: You can make it hard for them to do their thing.


 More Millennials are filling showroom sales spots. But dealers still have work to do with this crowd, a researcher tells us. And this from a dealer turned automaker senior VP: "You can’t expect to work them 16-hour days.”  


The auto accessories industry is $40 billion and dealers represent less than 5%.    Could accessories be the new profit center for dealerships? It is one new frontier that may hold the most profit potential dealers have seen since adding the F&I department 40 years ago.

Read the whitepaper.


Want to know about a trend that bodes well for the auto industry? OK, more people are buying new vehicles from want vs.need.


F & I Resource Center sponsored by Ally Auto.  Valuable content to help you boost profits in this all-important division of your business.

Visit the Resource Center.


 Game on. The vehicle-financing industry is warming up to fight a feisty federal regulator.


  New NADA Chairman Bill Fox does business in a tough hometown market. The lawyer who took to selling cars talks about that and much more in a WardsAuto Q&A.

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