The Dealer 5 | November 4, 2014

The perils of "clock watching"; $100,000 parts theft; keeping call centers in the loop: Dealer news and information from WardsAuto and around the web.

Steve Finlay, Senior Editor

November 4, 2014

2 Min Read
The Dealer 5 | November 4, 2014

Welcome to The  WardsAuto Dealer 5 - we've put together important items from and across the Internet. So let's go:

If the response to a customer is “I didn't even know it was on sale,” your call center has a problem. Keep 'em in the loop.

A car shopper had found what she wanted to buy, but the dealership told her to come back later. How a clock watcher stopped the sale, and the damage that did.

Post dustup, our analyst Haig Stoddard explains what's behind the Tesla-WardsAuto numbers controversy. And Green Car rapsTesla for its "we're-different" stance.

New owner takes over a dealership. Does an inventory. Learns $100,000 in auto parts are missing. Whodunit? That's what the police want to know.

To see all the day's dealer news and information, go to 

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