Preferred by Your Customers... Or Your Ad Runs FREE!Preferred by Your Customers... Or Your Ad Runs FREE!
Testing our unique guarantee is easy. * A third party study will be conducted at our expense over your own customer and prospect list. * If the study shows Ward's AutoWorld is preferred over all other automotive OEM publications, you agree to run an advertising program with us. * If we are not the publication preferred by your customers, we'll run your ad FREE. For a list of advertisers who have tested
October 2, 2001
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Testing our unique guarantee is easy.
* A third party study will be conducted at our expense over your own customer and prospect list.
* If the study shows Ward's AutoWorld is preferred over all other automotive OEM publications, you agree to run an advertising program with us.
* If we are not the publication preferred by your customers, we'll run your ad FREE.
For a list of advertisers who have tested the Ward's AutoWorld Guarantee, CLICK HERE.
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