Uber Challenges Paris Tourist-Route Taxi Ban

City's bid to improve public transport flow being challenged by ride-hailing giant citing Olympic Games issues.

Paul Myles, European Editor

January 29, 2024

1 Min Read
Paris Mayor fights for public transport over ride-hailing.

Uber is challenging Paris regulators' attempts to improve public transport flow and consumer use by banning private ride-hailing tourist taxi services from key roads.

The ban against passenger car services running a Vehicule de Tourisme avec Chauffeur (tourist vehicle with driver) is planned to be applied to the popular tourist attraction routes in the city center. However, Reuters reports that Uber is filing a legal challenge against the ban expected to be implemented by the Paris mayor's office.

In a statement, the company says: “Uber has filed an appeal to overturn Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo's decision to uphold her decree excluding VTCs from rue de Rivoli and rue Saint-Antoine.” It also claims the restrictions could exacerbate traffic problems in the city during this summer's Olympic Games.

The Paris Mayor's office plans to defend its decision, with David Belliard, in charge of the transport sector, telling Reuters: “Allowing too many cars to have access to Rivoli would hit the daily journey of thousands of people who use the RATP public bus service, which is our priority.”

About the Author

Paul Myles

European Editor, Informa Group

Paul Myles is an award-winning journalist based in Europe covering all aspects of the automotive industry. He has a wealth of experience in the field working at specialist, national and international levels.

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