A No-Start Is No-Crank Is No-Run Is No-Fuel IsA No-Start Is No-Crank Is No-Run Is No-Fuel Is
A new search engine takes into account that auto technicians may describe the same problem in different ways. Identifix, an online automotive diagnostic source, added Supercharged Search on its Direct-Hit website
January 1, 2007
A new search engine takes into account that auto technicians may describe the same problem in different ways.
Identifix, an online automotive diagnostic source, added Supercharged Search on its Direct-Hit website. The search tool was developed from more than one million keyword searches submitted by Direct-Hit users.
Identifix says the search engine helps technicians cut through industry jargon by automatically searching for related symptoms and terms, including some areas a technician may not have considered.
For example, if a technician is searching for information on a “no-start” problem, Supercharged Search will expand the search to categories such as “no crank,” “no fuel,” “no injector pulse,” “no pulse,” “no run,” “no spark,” “not run,” “not start,” “won't run,” and “won't start.”
The most recent confirmed fixes are delivered first, as these have been found to be the most helpful, says Identifx President Jeff Sweet.
“The same repair problem can be described in many different ways,” he says. “For example, one technician may describe the symptom as ‘long crank’ while another technician seeing the same problem may describe it as a ‘hard start.’
“We wanted to ensure subscribers got all of the diagnostic and fix information we have available to solve their problem, regardless of how they describe it.”
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