Winning Strategies in the Shift to the Software-Defined VehicleWinning Strategies in the Shift to the Software-Defined Vehicle
May 26, 2022
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Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 1 hour
The automotive market is very disruptive. These days we can all see a rapid change in software-driven architectures. This means that companies previously focusing on improving hardware manufacturing processes now have to turn their heads to improving a very different process – software delivery process. In this presentation, Adam will explain how Agile and Microservices are helping automotive companies to scale up the software development to develop truly software-defined vehicles.
Key takeaways:
How the automotive market is driven by constant disruptions
Today’s automotive software development challenges
The role of scaled agile in improving software delivery velocity
How the modern cloud native patterns help with development of automotive software
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Adam Kozlowski, Head of Automotive R&D, Grape UpAdam Kozłowski, Solution Architect and Head of Automotive R&D at Grape Up, worked as a C/C++ and JavaScript Developer before he started his journey to Cloud and Machine Learning world. Adam is an active advocate of Kubernetes and open-source cloud-native solutions. He is a huge fan of RnD initiatives, rapid prototyping, MLOps and building great software products enhanced by ML algorithms. Throughout his career Adam was working with established enterprises like Rijkswaterstaat, Porsche or Allstate to build their mission critical systems. Currently responsible for consulting automotive projects, specializing in Cloud and MLOps solutions for the automotive industry.
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