GM’s Shop-Click-Drive Jumps the Curb
General Motors says its Shop, Click and Drive initiative is designed to let consumers get online information on vehicles, pricing, incentives, finance and insurance products and trade-in value. Shoppers can pick a vehicle, apply for financing, then get their car.
Despite the fact GM is building what I consider to be some of the best products in the industry, it has lost the ball in the sun with this retailing project.
Like all manufacturers, it needs to get out of retail. They’re all bad at it. Interfering with dealers has repeatedly led to disastrous results.
First, requiring all participating GM dealers to have the same cookie-cutter website vendor is totally asinine.
Dealer websites cannot be competitive nor convert consumers effectively if all of them are built, maintained and, supposedly, optimized by the same company.
Not only does this encourage dealers to compete among themselves. It drives up the cost of search-engine marketing and pay-per-click search advertising.
These issues and others first came to my attention online in several discussion groups I participate in with dealership employees and principals. The negatives coming from dealerships about Shop-Click-Drive are overwhelming in conversation after conversation and post after post.
If I spoke with one GM dealer out of 100 that was positive about the program, that would be giving them an edge. Dealers are either indifferent about it or they hate it. Very few sing its praises. Usually GM has at least a few dealers who will endorse anything it does.
But you do hear glowing praise of Shop-Click-Drive from one group: GM management. It acts like this is the best thing since Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented the bread-slicing machine in 1928.
A GM spokesperson says: “Customers love the fact that they don’t have to spend four or five hours in the dealership.”
My good friend Cliff Banks of “The Banks Report” says S-C-D essentially is another lead generator that’s a little more dressed up.
GM reports that about 1,800 of its 4,300 dealerships participate. They sold 15,000 vehicles that way in the first year of the program that began in late 2013.