Car Dealers Score With Videos

The use of online videos is gaining popularity as a way for dealerships to connect with customers in different ways.

Steve Finlay, Senior Editor

September 9, 2011

2 Min Read
Car Dealers Score With Videos


Shoppers who look at videos with vehicle listings on’s website spend an average of 30 minutes a visit.

That’s nearly twice as long as for auto shoppers who don’t view a video, says Jack Simmons, dealer training manager for, an Internet automotive marketplace.

The use of online videos is gaining popularity as a way for dealerships to connect with customers in different ways.

“Including videos with all listings gives (dealers) an opportunity to turn shoppers into die-hard fans,” says Simmons, who hosts a new online training series, “In It to Win It,” featuring a football theme.

Among his “coaching” tips:

  • Designate one person at the dealership to enter videos. “With today’s point-and-shoot cameras, it’s easy.”

  • Brand videos with the dealership’s logo and include “a little personality.”

  • Post the digital recordings on YouTube, Facebook and Google.

  • Get personal. “For instance, when someone asks you about a specific car, make a custom video of that car with you in it. You will make a definite connection with the shopper.”

Jack Simmons in coach getup for’s football-themed training series.

Simmons’ training program at coincides with’s sponsorship of “Saturday Afternoon College Football on ESPN.”

He dresses like a coach on the shows, wearing a cap, sweatshirt and whistle around his neck.

“We’re capitalizing on the fun of the football season with ‘In It To Win It,’ using it as an engaging way to help dealers maximize every opportunity to turn more shopper interest into sales and grow their businesses,” Cars.Com President Mitch Golub says.

The programs include “playbook” tips from Simmons on how to effectively use video, mobile and customer reviews.

“We’ve gotten some great responses from dealers on the ‘Winning Plays’ board and about how they are using video,” spokesperson Erin Mays says.

Simmons says some dealers use videos to answer specific shopper inquiries, educate customers on important vehicle-service information and thank prospects for visiting the dealership.

A personalized video “is a great way to get a customer’s attention,” he says. “One dealership even includes QR codes on business cards,” linking customers using mobile devices to a welcome message from a salesperson. Some dealerships record and post videos of vehicle walk-arounds, test drives, accessory demonstrations and customer testimonials.

Such efforts differentiate a dealership “and build lasting relationships with your customers,” Simmons says.

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